Archive - Электронный научный журнал "ТРУДЫ ВИАМ"



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1. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-1-1
УДК 669.295
Nochovnaya N.A., Panin P.V.
Phase composition and structure formation in VT5, VT20, and VT6 titanium alloys upon thermo-hydrogen treatment and plastic deformation

A complex approach to structure and properties transformation of titanium alloys has been in focus, the approach including thermo-hydrogen treatment and plastic deformation combination. It has been shown that thermo-hydrogen treatment together with plastic deformation allow to obtain a multiphase structure in 2 mm sheet semi-finished products of VT5 (Ti–5,8Al), VT20 (Ti–6,2Al–1,2V–1Mo–2Zr), and VT6 (Ti–5,7Al–4,3V) titanium alloys (wt.%). The obtained structure contain α-phase in two structural constituents: primary αI-phase enriched by aluminum up to Ti3Al-based α2-phase, and secondary αdeg-phase depleted by aluminum.

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2. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-2-2
УДК 669.295
Nochovnaya N.A., Shiryaev A.A.
FSUE «VIAM» experience in strips production of a new high-strength metastable β-titanium alloy VT47

Both technological process protocol and parameters have been developed for a high-strength metastable -titanium REE-containing VT47 alloy, and pilot samples of strips have been produced thereof. The effect of temperature and rate parameters upon interoperation heat treatment (quenching) on mechanical properties of the strips has been studied. A complex quality evaluation of the pilot strips samples, including research on structure and mechanical properties, has showed a reasonability of further work on optimization of strips and foils production technologies for VT47 alloy.

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3. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-3-3
УДК 66.017:623.4
Eliseev E.A., Tonysheva О.А., Yakusheva N.A.
Materials and development of the technologies providing the resource trunks of artillery, tank and shooting systems of arms (review)

Barrel of different guns and small arms are training in different atmospheric and weather conditions by the contingent of different degree of readiness. Different materials and various technologies of their processing are used for barrels manufacturing. There are identical and specific requirements to barrels which are differ from each other depending on fighting assignment of tools, installation on vehicle and caliber. A trunk is most loaded detail of the weapon and its resource is considerably smaller than all other nodes and details of a weapon. The factors influencing weapon trunks, materials for manufacturing of trunks and ways of their processing are considered in the article.

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4. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-4-4
УДК 621.762:669.046.516.2
Buyakina A.A., Letnikov M.N., Efimochkin I.Yu.
The influence of the mechanical alloying parameters on the particles morphology of the metalceramiс powder composition made from VZH175 alloy with TiCN nanopowder

The influence of the main parameters of the mechanical alloying in the planetary ball mill on flowability and morphology of the metalceramiс made from Ni-based superalloy VGH175 and nanoparticles of titanium carbonitride are investigated. As the basis of metalceramiс composition have been used powder of VGH175 superalloy with particle size less than 63 μm produced by gas atomization; аs the reinforcing filler have been used nanoparticles of titanium carbonitride produced by the plasma-chemical synthesis method. The effect of the rotation speed of grinding jars and time process on flowability of compositions and morphology of the particles (average diameter and powder-size distribution) are presented. The optimal parameters for producing metalceramiс powders with the uniform distribution of the nanoparticles on the matrix granules surface with keepping their original spherical form are determined.

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5. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-5-5
УДК 678.073
Sorokin A.E., Platonov M.M., Larionov S.A.
Selective laser sintering of polymer compositions based on polyamide 12

Studies of crystallization from solution and processing by selective laser alloying of polyamide 12 based compositions have been carried out. It has been shown that process of crystallization under conditions close to equilibrium in the presence of nanoscale silicon dioxide makes it possible to obtain powder compositions with an optimal complex of properties. It has been found that Powder compositions with a narrow particle size distribution (from 20 to 100 μm) and a bulk density of not less than 0,4 g/cm3 can be processed by selective laser sintering into homogeneous samples with a high degree of monolithicity.

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6. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-6-6
УДК 678.073
Petrova G.N., Starostina I.V., Rumyantseva T.V., Sapego Yu. A.
Efficiency of improvement of quality of products from polycarbonate heat treatment

Results of researches on influence of modes of heat treatment of polycarbonate are given in article on quality of products made of it, Is shown that the choice of thermoplastic is caused by high level of the physicist – mechanical properties, dimensional stability, high accuracy when molding, good decorative look, and also expansion of areas of its application. Conditions of need of carrying out heat treatment for this material are given. It is shown that simple on configuration, thin-walled, irresponsible assignment of detail can be not subjected to heat treatment; at the same time the details working in the field of high temperatures, in surface-active environments, details of difficult configuration and having metal armature, it is reasonable to subject to heat treatment. Results of influence of different modes of heat treatment (tempering, annealing, etc.) on physical, strength and deformation properties of samples of material are given. On the basis of the received test results

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7. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-7-7
УДК 699.81:678.073
Petrova G.N., Sapego Yu. A., Larionov S.A., Platonov M.M., Laptev A.B.
Fireproof thermoplastic materials for 3D-technologies

Results of researches of the fireproof thermoplastic materials developed in VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise for use in FDM of the additive technology 3D are given in article – the press. Requirements for level of utilization and technical characteristics to which such materials have to answer are formulated. Physical-mechanical, rheological and fireproof properties of the developed thermoplastic compositions on the basis of polycarbonate and polyamide are considered. Test results of the samples received on traditional casting technology under pressure and innovative way 3D – the press are given. It is shown that the developed materials on level of properties and technological effectiveness do not concede to foreign analogs. The interrelation between technological parameters of level-by-level synthesis of object (temperature of extrusion, camera temperature, orientation of molecules in strand) on the accuracy of the press and its strength properties is defined. The received pat

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8. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-8-8
УДК 620.179
Beljaev А.А., Bespalova E.E., Payarel S.M.
Features of measurement of dielectric characteristics by means of the slot-hole resonator

In aviation and space technology are widely used materials to ensure absorption or passage of electromagnetic energy – radioabsorbing (RAM) and radio-transparent materials. When designing RРM, especially multi-layer broadband and very important point is determined experimentally of the reflection coefficient (RC) dielectric and magnetic properties of the individual layers of material in a given frequency range (from UHF to millimeter wavelengths). One of the simplest methods for measuring dielectric and magnetic properties of materials is a waveguide method. However, measurements of permeability measurement in waveguides are inherent in large errors due to the inaccu-racy of sample preparation. In addition, at frequencies above 10 GHz waveguide section dimensions become smaller inhomogeneously stey heterogeneous materials, which does not allow for measurement at these frequencies. The measurements were carried out only at certain points range and extremely time-consuming. Resonator m

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9. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-9-9
УДК 665.939.5
Petrova A.P., Isaev A.Yu.
Thermal stability of carborane-containing adhesive systems

The effect on the thermal stability of adhesive systems on the basis of various types of polymers (phenolrubber, organosilicon, polyurethane, organo-organic) their modification with carboranes. Data on the effect of the structure of carborane groups (o- or m-carboranes), methods of their introduction into adhesive compositions on the heat-resistance characteristics of glue compounds are given. It is shown that the thermal destruction of carborane-containing adhesive systems proceeds according to a different mechanism than analogous carborane-analogues. A feature of carborane-containing systems is their structuring in the 250–500°С region both in air and in an inert medium with the participation of carborane fragments of macromolecules with the formation of new, energetically strong chemical intermolecular bonds.

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10. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-10-10
УДК 678.067.5
Vavilova M.I., Kurnosov A.O., Melnikov D.A.
Statistical processing of results target control of the prepreg of fiberglass for the assessment of stability of its production

The statistical method of control for assessment stability the process of manufactured is considered. The basics principles and series of creation the control Shukhart’s card for process operation of manufactured are described. The statistical processing results of output monitoring by mass fraction of volatile products and content of resins is carried out on example the process of production fiberglass VPS-33. The analysis of control Shukhart’s card and the assessment of controllability the technological process manufacturing of a fiberglass is carried out.

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11. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-11-11
УДК 620.178.35
Grinevich A.V., Erasov V.S., Yakusheva N.A., Terekhin A.L.
Fatigue life of steel VKS-9 in conditions of symmetric loading «tension–compression» and «bending with rotation»

The article presents the results of fatigue tests of high-strength steel VKS-9, designed for use in aircraft landing gears and other highly loaded parts of aircraft. Illustrated the main difficulty in the development of high strength steels, due to the fact that the bearing capacity of structures with stress concentrators is significantly below the tensile strength, determined on a standard sample. Along with the assessment of the resistance of material to brittle fracture criterion for fatigue failure is also the basis of determining the bearing capacity. Domestic practice test for fatigue based on the loading scheme «bending and rotation». American reference books provide data on fatigue when tested according to the scheme of loading «expansion-compression». For a correct comparison of fatigue data on comparative testing of high strength steel VKS-9 at various schemes of loading. It is established that the limits of fatigue on the bases 104–106 when tested by loading the «bending-rot

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12. 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-9-12-12
УДК 621.791.37.042.2-034.24
Titov V.I.
Determination of boron in solders based on nickel VPr24 and VPr27

As a result of the research and experimental work on the possible determination of boron content in solders based on nickel VPr24 and VPr27, a photometric analysis method was used. The main reagent was chosen H-resorcinol. Using this reagent, the reaction proceeds in a weakly acidic medium, there is no need to extract the complex formed with organic solvents. During the experiment, it was found that one of the components of the solder – niobium – interacts with the reagent H-resorcinol, thereby negatively affecting the possibility of correct determination of boron content. Masking reagent, allowing to obtain correct results of the analysis, was selected complexon III. To prevent loss of boron during the sample preparation, phosphoric acid must be added. As a result of the conducted studies, a technique for determining the boron content in the concentration range 0,1–3,0% by weight was developed in solders based on nickel VPr24 and VPr27.

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