The investigation results of the formation of strengthen phases (secondary carbides and γ'-phase) in new Ni-base superalloy VZh177 developed for jet-engine disk application are presented in the article. The structural and phase composition of the material after solution treatment and the further evolution of the microstructure during ageing were esteemed. The main carbide formation elements in bulk primary carbides were determined via the method of energy-dispersion spectroscopy. The nucleation dynamic of the fine dispersion carbides at grain boundaries was investigated via he method of scanning electron microscopy. The investigation of the strengthen γ'-phase morphology in the temperature range from 850 to 1000°C was presented. The dispersion range of the maximum volume of γ'-phase was established. The changing of mean diameter and morphology of the phase depending to ageing regime was also shown. The authors of the article suggest to investigate microhardness after various ageing tim
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Now to low-dimensional gas turbine engines (GTE) widely apply disks made in FSUE «VIAM» from heat resisting deformable alloy EP742-ID. Initial preparations of punchings of disks for low-dimensional GTE are the press bars with a diameter of 140–150 mm made by method of extrusion from ingots with a diameter of 320 mm of double vacuum smelting (VI+VDP). Recrystallization of original compacted round bars made of EP742-ID alloy, used as a blank to the isothermal forging process of small-sized disks for gas-turbine engine, has been researched. Influence of recrystallization annealing in a single-phase area on mechanical properties of forgings material after finish heat treatment has been determine in the article. The conclusion is in summary drawn that carrying out annealing before deformation at temperature on 15–25°C above Тп.рγʹ allows to increase stability of plastic properties (δ, ψ, KCU) punchings from alloy EP742-ID, and also it is essential to reduce number of re-testing and repeat
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The major areas of application of rare earth elements in Russian industry are as follows: catalysts for the petrochemical industry (82%), steel industry (11%), materials for the nuclear energy industry (3%), permanent magnets (2%). Thus, the industrial applications of rare earth elements in high technologies give these minerals an immediate critical and strategic importance. the authors have set itself the goal to assess the regulatory framework in the field of rare earth elements. Comprehensive monitoring of the reference documentation in the field of rare earth elements was carried out. Differences in the Russian and foreign reference documentation were revealed. It was found that the Russian reference documentation consisted of state standards (GOST) developed 35–40 years ago, while foreign documentation included segmental documents. The need for actualization of the national reference documentation in the field of rare earth elements was justified.
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In recent years the problem of flight vehicles weight reduction becomes the most actual. At replacement of details from aluminum alloys on detail from high-strength magnesium alloys the weight economy about 20–25% can be reached. One of shortcomings of the deformed semi-finished products of high-strength magnesium alloys is anisotropy of their mechanical properties. It is conditionally possible to consider two types of anisotropy, in view of structural sign: – crystal (homogeneous) anisotropy; – heterogeneous (fibrous) anisotropy. For magnesium alloys both types of anisotropy are inherent. Anisotropy of mechanical properties can be reduced by applying the complicated scheme of deformation of material for receiving better structure and due to alloying magnesium, in particular, by rare earth metals (RE). The comparative analysis of results of microstructure research, phase structure research, mechanical properties and their anisotropy, investigation on example of high strength MA1
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More than 40 years as polymeric matrix of PKM thermosetting materials were used. However complexity thermosetting binding, their limited viability, duration of process of curing and some other shortcomings stimulated use searches alternatively thermoflexible binding in the form of thermoflexible matrixes. Thermoplastics on level of strength and elastic characteristics do not concede to cured polymers, and on chemical resistance, warm and to electric insulation characteristics, tightness in some cases exceed the last. In the last years abroad tendency in development of KTM is use of high-heat-resistant constructional thermoplastics: poliarilsulfony, polyetherimide, polyetherketones, polyimide, etc. In Russia such materials commercially are not issued. Article is devoted to problem of import substitution of high-temperature constructional thermoplastics. The comparative assessment of strength and heatphysical properties of polyetheretherketones (PEEK) domestic (Institute of Plastics
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Multilayer composite materials of GLARE type with metallic and polymeric layers of GLARE type regarding to sheet constructions for additional weight reduce and resource characteristics increase of aviation parts are shown in this paper. GLARE is a constructive aluminum glassfiber, where a combination of thin aluminum sheets and glue prepregs based on glassfiber provides a unique combination of properties: high strength and crack resistance with low density. It is shown that strength increase in GLARE type materials is provided by new filler material usage. A melt-type VSK-14-2mR glue compound based on a mix of defined structural epoxide olygomers and polyacrylsulfones has a low dynamic viscosity and good viscosity properties and was developed as a glass filler for RVMPN-10-400 roving with increased filament packing density and helps to reach maximum strength of polymeric composite material. Properties of fiberglass with KMKS-1.80.T60.37, KMKS-2.120.T60.37 and KMKS-2mR.120.RVMPN.30 g
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The slurry method is one of the most simple and economical methods of coating application. Thanks to it it is possible to apply coatings on large-sized products of complex shape. Slurry coatings are used to improve the heat resistance of various metallic, and also non-metallic materials. Slurry-resistant heat-resistant coatings applied to various groups of steels are based on Al, Al–Si, Cr–Al–Si, and also some other metals. It is shown that the aluminide coating at 650°C is operable for more than 40,000 h. Al–Si slurry coatings provide high protective properties at temperatures up to 450°C, as well as in contact with the Pb-Bi melt at 600°C. The Cr–Al–Si system protects steel from corrosion at elevated temperatures in corrosive environments. Coatings of SiO2–Al2O3–BaO and SiO2–Al2O3–B2O3 are used for deposition on iron-nickel alloys, reducing the oxidizability by 25–30 times at temperatures of 700°C. The system SiC–Si3N4–SiO2, is applied to sealing abradable materials of composition
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In this paper was obtained the analytical dependence of the total and voltage power of the plasma arc on the arc current and the flow rates of argon and nitrogen of the serial plasma-gun Metco F4. It is established that an increase in nitrogen consumption has the greatest effect on the increase in arc voltage. A computational and graphical technique for estimating the average temperature and the velocity of the plasma flow at the cutoff of the nozzle of the serial plasma-gun Metco F4 is proposed.
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To increase the reliability and the service life of gas turbine engine (GTE) blades, heat-resistant coatings are used. The repeated use of the GTE blades after their operation or in violation of the technology of applying protective coatings is possible only in case of removing the defective coating and subsequent preparation of the blade surface for its repeated application. The currently used surface preparation methods for re-applying protective coatings are based on the preliminary cleaning of the GTE blades from the combustion products of the fuel, removal of protective coatings and surface finishing. A comparative analysis of traditional methods of removing spent coatings has shown that the electrolytic-plasma treatment method is distinguished by high productivity, high quality of the treated surface, no need for intermediate preparation stages, and its environmental friendliness. The disadvantages of this method include the inability to process the internal cavities of parts, a
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At present, the issue of developing methods for predicting the change in the strength properties of structural aluminum alloys used in the composition of structural elements in conditions of environmental factors for long periods of operation is topical. In this case, the key is to search for the principal approaches to predicting the corrosive behavior of aluminum alloys as materials for which uneven corrosion damage is characteristic, and assessing the complex effect of the most dangerous types of local corrosion on the change in the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys. The calculation of the integral coefficient of corrosion failure based on the predicted values of the main corrosion characteristics of aluminum alloys-loss of weight, depth of pitting and intercrystalline corrosion, as well as the tendency to delaminating corrosion, has been performed. It is shown that the application of the method of calculating the integral corrosion coefficient can be used to obtain the pred
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