The investigation results of the new weldable wrought alloy V-1208 based on Al–Cu–Mn system with addition of Sc, Ag and Zr are represented. Sheets from this alloy were manufactured at JSC «KUMW». It was shown that scandium, silver and zirconium complex additions increase strength and life-time characteristics, corrosion resistance and weldability. Influence of heat treatment modes on the sheets mechanical properties was studied. Complex investigations of mechanical, corrosion and operational charac-teristics are represented. Weldability with argon arc welding and friction stir welding are evaluated. Comparison with 1201 and 2219 alloys is carried out.
2. Splav na osnove aljuminija [Alloy on the basis of aluminum]: pat. 2447173 Ros. Federacija; opubl. 05.04.2011.
3. Antipov V.V., Senatorova O.G., Tkachenko E.A., Vahromov R.O. Aljuminievye deformiruemye splavy [Aluminum deformable alloys] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 167–182.
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16. Grigor'ev M.V., Antipov V.V., Vahromov R.O. i dr. Struktura i svojstva slitkov iz splava sistemy Al‒Cu‒Mg s mikrodobavkami serebra [Structure and properties of ingots from Al‒Cu‒Mg system alloy with silver microadditives] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №3. S. 3–6.
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Current development and research trends in the field of producing and investigating of long-life heat-resistant coatings for nickel and titanium alloys with working temperature up to 1000°C are considered. The results of investigations currently taken place and the ways of improving the properties of long-life enamel coatings are shown. The FSUE «VIAM» experience on the heat-resistant coatings development capable to provide long term effective operation of the nickel and titanium parts in high operational temperatures is considered.
2. Kablov E.N., Grashhenkov D.V., Isaeva N.V., Solncev S.S., Sevast'janov V.G. Perspektivnye vysokotemperaturnye keramicheskie kompozicionnye materialy [Perspective high-temperature ceramic composite materials] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 20–24.
3. Ivahnenko Ju.A., Babashov V.G., Zimichev A.M., Tinjakova E.V. Vysokotemperaturnye teploizoljacionnye i teplozashhitnye materialy na osnove volokon tugoplavkih soedinenij [High-temperature heatinsulating and heat-protective materials on the basis of fibers of high-melting connections] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 380–385.
4. Kablov E.N., Solncev S.S., Rozenenkova V.A., Mironova N.A. Sovremennye polifunkcional'nye vysokotemperaturnye pokrytija dlja nikelevyh splavov, uplotnitel'nyh metallicheskih voloknistyh materialov i berillievyh splavov [Modern multifunctional high temperature coatings for nickel alloys, sealing metal fibrous materials and beryllium alloys] //Novosti materialovedenija. Nauka i tehnika. 2013. №1 (
5. Solncev S.S. Vysokotemperaturnye steklokeramicheskie materialy i pokrytija – perspektivnoe napravlenie aviacionnogo materialovedenija [High-temperature steklokeramichesky materials and coverings – the perspective direction of aviation materials science] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2009. №1. S. 26–37.
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7. Solncev S.S., Shvagireva V.V., Isaeva N.V., Solov'eva G.A. Armirovannye zharostojkie steklojemali dlja kamer sgoranija gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Reinforced heat resisting stekloemali for combustion tubes of gas turbine engines] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №1. S. 26–29.
8. Das S., Datta S., Basu D., Das G.C. Hot corrosion of glass coating on nickel base superalloy //Ceramics International. 2008. V. 34. P. 1215–1222.
9. Minghui Chen, Mingli Shen, Shenglong Zhu, Fuhui Wang, Xiaolan Wang. Effect of sand blasting and glass matrix composite coating on oxidation resistance of a nickel-based superalloy at 1000°C //Corrosion Science. 2013. V. 73. P. 331–341.
10. Das S., Mukhopadhyay A.K., Datta S., Basu D. Evaluation of microwave processed glass-ceramic coating on nimonic superalloy substrate //Ceramics International. 2010. V. 36. P. 1125–1130.
11. Minghui Chen, Mingli Shen, Shenglong Zhu, Fuhui Wang. Comparative study of interfacial reaction between superalloy substrate and glass coating with and without alumina particles incorporation //Applied Surface Science. 2013. V. 271. P. 228–233.
12. Xiaowei Niu, He Zhang, Xiaojun Hu, Wei Han. Synthesis of well-adhered SiO2–Al2O3 glass-ceramic coating on NiCrFe alloy supports //Applied Surface Science. 2013. V. 268. P. 265–269.
13. Minghui Chen, Wenbo Li, Mingli Shen, Shenglong Zhu, Fuhui Wang. Glass-ceramic coating on titanium alloys for high temperature oxidation protection: Oxidation kinetics and microsctucture //Corrosion Science. 2013. V. 74. P. 178–186.
14. Zinqi Xiao, Fatang Tan, Wei Wang, Fazhe Sun, Hongfei Lu, Xiaolin Qui, Jianguo Chen, Xueliang Qiao. Oxidation protection of Ti–6Al–4V alloy using a novel glass-amorphous silica composite coating //Ceramics International. 2014. V. 40. P. 3503–3509.
15. Wenbo Li, Minghui Chen, Mingyu Wu, Shenglong Zhu, Cheng Wang, Fuhui Wang. Microstructure and oxidation behavior of a SiC–Al2O3–glass composite coating on Ti–47Al–2Cr–2Nb alloy //Corrosion Science. 2014. V. 87. P. 179–186.
16. Wenbo Li, Minghui Chen, Cheng Wang, Shenglong Zhu, Fuhui Wang. Preparation and oxidation behavior of SiO2–Al2O3–glass composite coating on Ti–47Al–2Cr–2Nb alloy //Surface & Coatings Technology. 2013. V. 218. P. 30–38.
17. Solncev S.St., Shvagireva V.V., Isaeva N.V., Solov'eva G.A. Zharostojkoe pokrytie dlja zashhity vysokoprochnyh slozhnolegirovannyh nikelevyh splavov ot vysokotemperatur-noj gazovoj korrozii [Heat resisting covering for protection of high-strength complex-alloyed nickel alloys against high-temperature gas corrosion] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №6. St. 04 (
18. Solncev St.S., Rozenenkova V.A., Mironova N.A., Solov'eva G.A. Vysokotemperaturnye pokrytija dlja voloknistyh substratov [High temperature coatings for fibrous substrates] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №10. St. 03 (
19. Solncev S.St., Shvagireva V.V., Isaeva N.V., Solov'eva G.A. Mnogocelevoe steklojemalevoe pokrytie dlja zashhity lityh fasonnyh detalej gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Multi-purpose stekloe-malevy covering for protection of cast shaped details of gas turbine engines] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №3. St. 04 (
20. Solncev St.S. Vysokotemperaturnye kompozicionnye materialy i pokrytija na osnove stekla i keramiki [High-temperature composite materials and coverings on the basis of glass and ceramics] /V sb. 75 let. Aviacionnye materialy. Izbrannye trudy «VIAM» 1932–2007: Jubilejnyj nauch.-tehnich. sb. M.: VIAM. 2007. S. 90–99.
21. Solncev St.S., Rozenenkova V.A., Mironova N.A. Vysokotemperaturnye steklokeramicheskie pokrytija i kompozicionnye materialy [High-temperature steklokeramichesky coverings and composite materials] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 359–368.
The matter of amorphous metal bands application in the laminated metal-polymeric functional components (actuators) for smart materials is hereby considered. The remarkable feature of the metal amorphous materials is their structural and chemical homogeneity, high plasticity and their resistance to repeated bending and corrosion. It is suggested to use the amorphous metal materials as bands in conjunction with ferroelectric ceramics made of lead zirconium-titanate to create laminated piezoelectric cells. Phase transformation process in nickel-based amorphous alloy VPr51 of metal-metalloid type by means of differential scanning calorimetry and thermo-mechanical analysis methods is studied as well. It is determined that the given nickel-based amorphous alloy keeps its structural homogeneity and workability in the temperature range up to 380°C relevant to the piezoelectric materials based on lead titanate-zirconium operation.
2. Kablov E.N. Sovremennye materialy – osnova innovacionnoj modernizacii Rossii [Modern materials – basis of innovative modernization of Russia] //Metally Evrazii. 2012. №3. S. 10–15.
3. Kablov E.N. Himija v aviacionnom materialovedenii [Chemistry in aviation materials science] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 3–4.
4. Guljaev I.N., Gunjaev G.M. Ispol'zovanie nepreryvnyh armirujushhih volokon v kachestve tenzorezistornyh sensornyh jelementov [Use of continuous reinforcing fibers as tenzorezistorny touch elements] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №2. S. 22–27.
5. Guljaev I.N., Gunjaev G.M., Raskutin A.E. Polimernye kompozicionnye materialy s funkcijami adaptacii i diagnostiki sostojanija [Polymeric composite materials with functions of adaptation and condition diagnostics] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 242–253.
6. Kablov E.N., Sivakov D.V., Guljaev I.N., Sorokin K.V., Fedotov M.Ju., Goncharov V.A. Metody issledovanija konstrukcionnyh kompozicionnyh materialov s integrirovannoj jelektromehanicheskoj sistemoj [Methods of research of constructional composite materials with the integrated electromechanical system] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №4. S. 17–20.
7. Sivakov D.V., Guljaev I.N., Sorokin K.V., Fedotov M.Ju., Goncharov V.A. Osobennosti sozdanija polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov s integrirovannoj aktivnoj jelektromehanicheskoj aktjuatornoj sistemoj na osnove p'ezojelektrikov [Features of creation of polymeric composite materials with the integrated active electromechanical aktyuatorny system on the basis of piezoelectric materials] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2011. №1. S. 31–34.
8. Muhametov R.R., Ahmadieva K.R., Chursova L.V, Kogan D.I. Novye polimernye svjazujushhie dlja perspektivnyh metodov izgotovlenija konstrukcionnyh voloknistyh PKM [New polymeric binding for perspective methods of manufacturing of constructional fibrous PKM] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2011. №2. S. 38–42.
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The method of raster electron microscopy and the fractographic analysis was applied to research surface and microstructure of heat resistant nickel alloys samples before and after destruction in order to identify pre-destruction signs after tests for short-term and long-term hardness and also for low-cyclic fatigue at temperatures of 20, 650 and 750°С. It is determined that exits density of slip planes on surface of studied samples depends on testing method, level of applied load and temperature of tests, there are differences in behavior of alloys during the loading. Difference in resistance to slip systems development and to destruction start after exhaustion of material ability for plastic deformation is shown for two alloys.
2. Kablov E.N. Aviakosmicheskoe materialovedenie [Aerospace materials science] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2008. №3. S. 2–14.
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18. Erasov V.S., Grinevich A.V., Senik V.Ja., Konovalov V.V., Trunin Ju.P., Nesterenko G.I. Raschetnye znachenija harakteristik prochnosti aviacionnyh materialov [Calculated values of characteristics of durability of aviation materials] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №2. S. 14–16.
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20. Terent'ev V.F., Beljaev M.S., Bakradze M.M. i dr. Razrushenie zharoprochnogo splava VZh175 v uslovijah zhestkogo malociklovogo nagruzhenija [VZh175 hot strength alloy destruction in the conditions of rigid low-cyclic loading] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №11. St. 12 (
21. Kablov E.N., Petrushin N.V., Svetlov I.L., Demonis I.M. Nikelevye litejnye zharoprochnye splavy novogo pokolenija [Nickel foundry hot strength alloys of new generation] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 36–52.
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23. Lomberg B.S., Ovsepjan S.V., Bakradze M.M. i dr. Vysokotemperaturnye zharoprochnye ni-kelevye splavy dlja detalej gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [High-temperature heat resisting nickel alloys for details of gas turbine engines] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehno-logii. 2012. №S. S. 52–57.
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The complex thermal barrier coating (TBC) for rotor blades of jet prop engines made of nickel-base superalloy VZHM4 working at temperatures up to 1200°С is represented, and also application of high-temperature heat resistant coatings for intermetallic nickel-base alloys as a bond coatings for turbine nozzle blades working at temperatures up to 1250°С is considered. Results of high-temperature tests of VZhM4 and VKNA-25 alloys with applied TBC are represented. It is shown that [Ni–Cr–Al–Ta–Re–Y–Hf+Al–Ni–Y]+(Zr–Y–Gd)O TBC protects VZhM4 alloy at temperatures up to 1200°С and [Ni–Cr–Al–Hf+Al–Ni–Hf]+(Zr–Y–Gd)O HPC protects VKNA-25 alloy at temperatures up to 1250°С. Research of thermal conductivity of ceramic (Zr–Y–Gd)O material is made.
2. Kuznecov V.P., Lesnikov V.P., Konakova I.P., Petrushin N.V., Mubojadzhjan S.A. Struktura i fazovyj sostav monokristallicheskogo splava VZhM4 s gazocirkuljacionnym zashhitnym pokrytiem [Structure and phase composition of VZhM4 single-crystal alloy with gazotsirkulyatsionny protecting cover] //MiTOM. 2011. №3. S. 28–32.
3. Bazyleva O.A., Arginbaeva Je.G., Turenko E.Ju. Zharoprochnye litejnye intermetallidnye splavy [Heat resisting cast intermetallidny alloys] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 57–60.
4. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Bazyleva O.A. Materialy dlja vysokoteplonagruzhennyh detalej gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Materials for the high-heatloaded details of gas turbine engines] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 13–19.
5. Budinovskij S.A. Primenenie analiticheskoj modeli opredelenija uprugih mehanicheskih i termicheskih naprjazhenij v mnogoslojnoj sisteme v reshenii zadach po sozdaniju zharostojkih aljuminidnyh pokrytij [Application of analytical model of determination of elastic mechanical and thermal stresses in multi-layer system in the solution of tasks on creation of heat resisting alyuminidny coverings] //Uprochnjajushhie tehnologii i pokrytija. 2013. №3. S. 3–11.
6. Budinovskij S.A., Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A. Primenenie analiticheskoj modeli opredelenija uprugih naprjazhenij v mnogoslojnoj sisteme pri reshenii zadach po sozdaniju vysokotemperaturnyh zharostojkih pokrytij dlja rabochih lopatok aviacionnyh turbin [Application of analytical model of determination of elastic stresses in multi-layer system at the solution of tasks on creation of high-temperature heat resisting coverings for working blades of aviation turbines] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 26–37.
7. Smirnov A.A., Budinovskij S.A. Analiz jevoljucii normal'nyh naprjazhenij v sisteme «splav–pokrytie» v oblasti temperatur do 1200°С [The analysis of evolution of normal stresses in splav-pokrytiye system in the field of temperatures to 1200°С] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2014. №2. S. 8–14.
8. Budinovskij S.A., Matveev P.V., Smirnov A.A. Issledovanie zharostojkosti litejnyh zharoprochnyh nikelevyh splavov v oblasti temperatur 1000–1200°С [Research of heat resistance of cast heat resisting nickel alloys in the field of temperatures 1000–1200°C] //Aviacionnaja promyshlennost'. 2014. №2. S. 48–52.
9. Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Gajamov A.M., Stepanova S.V. Ionno-plazmennye zharostojkie pokrytija s kompozicionnym bar'ernym sloem dlja zashhity ot okislenija splava ZhS36-VI [Ion-plasma heat resisting coverings with composition barrier layer for protection against oxidation of alloy ZhS36-VI] //MiTOM. 2011. №1. S. 34–40.
10. Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Gajamov A.M., Smirnov A.A. Poluchenie keramicheskih teplozashhitnyh pokrytij dlja rabochih lopatok turbin aviacionnyh GTD magnetronnym metodom [Receiving ceramic heat-protective coatings for working blades of turbines of aviation GTD magnetronny method] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №4. S. 3–8.
11. Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Gajamov A.M., Matveev P.V. Vysokotemperaturnye zharostojkie pokrytija i zharostojkie sloi dlja teplozashhitnyh pokrytij [High-temperature heat resisting coverings and heat resisting layers for heat-protective coverings] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №1. S. 17–20.
12. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A. Zharostojkie i teplozashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok turbiny vysokogo davlenija perspektivnyh GTD [Heat resisting and heat-protective coverings for turbine blades of high pressure of perspective GTD] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 60–70.
13. Chubarov D.A., Matveev P.V. Novye keramicheskie materialy dlja teplozashhitnyh pokrytij rabochih lopatok GTD [New ceramic materials for heat-protective coverings of working blades of GTD] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №4. S. 43–46.
14. Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Gajamov A.M. Sovremennoe sostojanie i osnovnye tendencii razvitija vysokotemperaturnyh teplozashhitnyh pokrytij dlja rabochih lopatok turbin aviacionnyh GTD [Current state and the main tendencies of development of high-temperature heat-protective coverings for working blades of turbines of aviation GTD] //Aviacionnaja promyshlennost'. 2008. №4. S. 33–37.
15. Gajamov A.M., Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Kos'min A.A. Vybor zharostojkogo pokrytija dlja zharoprochnogo nikelevogo renij-rutenijsoderzhashhego splava marki VZhM4 [Choice of heat resisting covering for heat resisting nickel reny -ruteniysoderzhashchy alloy of the VZhM4 brand] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №1. St. 01 (
16. Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Gajamov A.M., Matveev P.V. Razrabotka ionno-plazmennyh zharostojkih metallicheskih sloev teplozashhitnyh pokrytij dlja ohlazhdaemyh rabochih lopatok turbin [Development of ion-plasma heat resisting metal layers of heat-protective coverings for cooled working blades of turbines] //MiTOM. 2013. №11. S. 16–21.
17. Kos'min A.A., Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Bulavinceva E.E. Zharostojkoe pokrytie dlja novogo perspektivnogo intermetallidnogo splava VIN3 [Heat resisting covering for new perspective intermetallidny alloy of VIN3] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2013. №6. S. 35–37.
18. Matveev P.V., Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Kos'min A.A. Zashhitnye zharostojkie pokrytija dlja splavov na osnove intermetallidov nikelja [Protective heat resisting coverings for alloys on the basis of nickel intermetallic compound] //Aviacionnye materialy i teh-nologii. 2013. №2. S. 12–15.
19. Matveev P.V., Budinovskij S.A. Issledovanie svojstv zashhitnyh zharostojkih pokrytij dlja intermetallidnyh nikelevyh splavov tipa VKNA dlja rabochih temperatur do 1300°С [Research of properties of protective heat resisting coverings for intermetallidny nickel alloys of VKNA type for working temperatures to 1300°С] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2014. №3. S. 22–26.
20. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Lucenko A.N. Ionno-plazmennye zashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Ion-plasma protecting covers for blades of gas turbine engines] //Metally. 2007. №5. S. 23–34.
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22. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Pomelov Ja.A. Ionno-plazmennye zash-hitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Ion-plasma protecting covers for blades of gas turbine engines] //Konversija v mashinostroenii. 1999. №2. S. 42–47.
It was determined that the maximum level of strength is achieved after full heat treatment (quenching and artificial ageing) after welding. Heat treatment of welded joints made by friction stir welding leads to structural heterogeneity alignment and removal of weakening of the heat affected zone. After-welding modes of heat treatment do not practically influence the protective properties of non-metallic inorganic coatings.
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4. Panin V.E., Kablov E.N., Pochivalov Ju.I., Panin S.V., Kolobnev N.I. Vlijanie nanostrukturirovanija poverhnostnogo sloja aljuminij-litievogo splava 1424 na mehanizmy deformacii, tehnologicheskie harakteristiki i ustalostnuju dolgovechnost'. Povyshenie plastichnosti i tehnologicheskih harakteristik [Influence of nanostructuring surface layer aluminum-lithium alloy 1424 on deformation mechanisms, technical characteristics and fatigue life. Increase of plasticity and technical characteristics] //Fizicheskaja mezomehanika. 2012. T. 15. №6. S. 107–111.
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8. Klochkova Ju.Ju., Grushko O.E., Lancova L.P., Burljaeva I.P., Ovsjannikov B.V. Osvoenie v promyshlennom proizvodstve polufabrikatov iz perspektivnogo aljuminijlitievogo splava V-1469 [Development in industrial production of semi-finished products from perspective alyuminiylitiyevy alloy V-1469] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2011. №1. S. 8–12.
9. Klochkov G.G., Grushko O.E., Klochkova Ju.Ju., Romanenko V.Ju. Promyshlennoe osvoenie vysokoprochnogo splava V-1469 sistemy Al–Cu–Li–Mg [Industrial development of V-1469 high-strength alloy of Al–Cu–Li–Mg system] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №7. St. 01 (
10. Samorukov M.L. Analiticheskij podhod k matematicheskomu modelirovaniju temperaturnoj sostavljajushhej rotacionnoj svarki treniem [Analytical approach to mathematical modeling of temperature component of rotational friction bonding] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №9. St. 03 (
11. Lukin V.I., Ospennikova O.G., Ioda E.N., Panteleev M.D. Svarka aljuminievyh splavov v aviakosmicheskoj promyshlennosti [Welding of aluminum alloys in the aerospace industry] //Svarka i diagnostika. 2013. №2. S. 47–52.
12. Lukin V.I., Ioda E.N., Bazeskin A.V. i dr. Povyshenie nadezhnosti svarnyh soedinenij iz vysokoprochnogo aljuminievo-litievogo splava V-1461 [Increase of reliability of welded connections from high-strength aluminum-lithium alloy V-1461] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2010. №11. S. 14–17.
13. Petrovic M., Veljic D., Rakin M., Radovic N., Sedmak A., Bajic N. Friction-stir welding of high-strength aluminium alloys and a numerical simulation of plunge stage //Materials in technology. 2012. V. 46. №3. P. 215–221.
14. Silis M.I., Eliseev A.A., Silis V.Je. i dr. Osobennosti struktury svarnyh soedinenij aljuminievyh splavov, poluchennyh frikcionnoj svarkoj [Features of structure of welded compounds of the aluminum alloys received by frictional welding] //MiTOM. 2009. №4. S. 34–39.
15. Lukin V.I., Ioda E.N., Bazeskin A.V. i dr. Osobennosti formirovanija svarnogo soedinenija pri svarke treniem s peremeshivaniem aljuminievogo splava V-1469 [Features of forming of welded connection at friction bonding with V-1469 aluminum alloy hashing] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2012. №6. S. 30–36.
16. Antipov V.V., Kolobnev N.I., Hohlatova L.B. Razvitie aljuminijlitievyh splavov i mnogostupenchatyh rezhimov termicheskoj obrabotki [Development of alyuminiylitiyevy alloys and multistage modes of thermal processing] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 183–195.
17. Oglodkov M.S., Hohlatova L.B., Kolobnev N.I. i dr. Vlijanie termomehanicheskoj obrabotki na svojstva i strukturu splava sistemy Al–Cu–Mg–Li–Zn [Influence of thermomechanical processing on properties and Al–Cu–Mg–Li–Zn system alloy structure] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №4. S. 7–11.
18. Zhilikov V.P., Karimova S.A., Leshko S.S., Chesnokov D.V. Issledovanie dinamiki korrozii aljuminievyh splavov pri ispytanii v kamere solevogo tumana (KST) [Research of dynamics of corrosion of aluminum alloys when testing in the salt spray chamber (KST)] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №4. S. 18–22.
The article considers advantages and disadvantages of currently used ZrO2–(7–8)%Y2O3 (yttrium-stabilized zirconia – YSZ) ceramic layer, widely used now in serial coatings to protect turbine blades of gas turbine engines. The systems and some properties of new ceramic materials based on zirconium oxide with the addition of one or more rare earth elements which are currently being developed abroad are represented. The ceramic layers developed by VIAM brought on by magnetron midrange targets sputtering based on zirconium alloys with rare earth metals with following plasma chemical ceramics deposition in the argon oxygen environment are shown. The microstructure of the surface of the deposited layers, thermal conductivity and the prospects of their use in the development of a new thermal barrier coating (TBC) generation are investigated.
2. Kuznecov V.P., Lesnikov V.P., Konakova I.P. i dr. Struktura i fazovyj sostav monokristallicheskogo splava VZhM4 s gazocirkuljacionnym zashhitnym pokrytiem [Structure and phase composition of VZhM4 single-crystal alloy with gazotsirkulyatsionny protecting cover] //MiTOM. 2011. №3. S. 28–32.
3. Kos'min A.A., Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Bulavinceva E.E. Zharostojkoe pokrytie dlja novogo perspektivnogo intermetallidnogo splava VIN3 [Heat resisting covering for new perspective intermetallidny alloy of VIN3] //Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2013. №6. S. 35–37.
4. Budinovskij S.A., Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A. Primenenie analiticheskoj modeli opredelenija uprugih naprjazhenij v mnogoslojnoj sisteme pri reshenii zadach po sozdaniju vysokotemperaturnyh zharostojkih pokrytij dlja rabochih lopatok aviacionnyh turbin [Application of analytical model of determination of elastic stresses in multi-layer system at the solution of tasks on creation of high-temperature heat resisting coverings for working blades of aviation turbines] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 26–37.
5. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Bazyleva O.A. Materialy dlja vysokoteplonagruzhennyh detalej gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Materials for the high-heatloaded details of gas turbine engines] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 13–19.
6. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A. Ionnoe travlenie i modificirovanie poverhnosti otvetstvennyh detalej mashin v vakuumno-dugovoj plazme [Ion etching and modifying of surface of responsible details of machines in vacuum and arc plasma] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 149–163.
7. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Pomelov Ja.A. Ionno-plazmennye zashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Ion-plasma protecting covers for blades of gas turbine engines] //Konversija v mashinostroenii. 1999. №2. S. 42–47.
8. Muboyadzhyan S.A., Kablov E.N. Vacuum plasma technique of protective coatings production of complex alloys//MiTOM. 1995. №2. S. 15–18.
9. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Vershkov A.V. Redkie metally i redkozemel'nye jelementy – materialy sovremennyh i budushhih vysokih tehnologij [Rare metals and rare earth elements – materials of modern and future high technologies] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 01 (
10. Matveev P.V., Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Kos'min A.A. Zashhitnye zharostojkie pokrytija dlja splavov na osnove intermetallidov nikelja [Protective heat resisting coverings for alloys on the basis of nickel intermetallic compound] //Aviacionnye materialy i teh-nologii. 2013. №2. S. 12–15.
11. Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Gajamov A.M., Matveev P.V. Razrabotka ionno-plazmennyh zharostojkih metallicheskih sloev teplozashhitnyh pokrytij dlja ohlazhdaemyh rabochih lopatok turbin [Development of ion-plasma heat resisting metal layers of heat-protective coverings for cooled working blades of turbines] //MiTOM. 2013. №11. S. 16–21.
12. Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Gajamov A.M., Stepanova S.V. Ionno-plazmennye zharostojkie pokrytija s kompozicionnym bar'ernym sloem dlja zashhity ot okislenija splava ZhS36-VI [Ion-plasma heat resisting coverings with composition barrier layer for protection against oxidation of alloy ZhS36-VI] //MiTOM. 2011. №1. S. 34–40.
13. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Lucenko A.N. Ionno-plazmennye zashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Ion-plasma protecting covers for blades of gas turbine engines] //Metally. 2007. №5. S. 23–34.
14. Gajamov A.M., Budinovskij S.A., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Kos'min A.A. Vybor zharostojkogo po-krytija dlja zharoprochnogo nikelevogo renij-rutenijsoderzhashhego splava marki VZhM4 [Choice of heat resisting covering for heat resisting nickel reny-ruteniysoderzhashchy alloy of the VZhM4 brand] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №1. St. 01 (
15. Budinovskij S.A. Primenenie analiticheskoj modeli opredelenija uprugih mehanicheskih i termicheskih naprjazhenij v mnogoslojnoj sisteme v reshenii zadach po sozdaniju zharostojkih aljuminidnyh pokrytij [Application of analytical model of determination of elastic mechanical and thermal stresses in multi-layer system in the solution of tasks on creation of heat resisting alyuminidny coverings] //Uprochnjajushhie tehnologii i pokrytija. 2013. №3. S. 3–11.
16. Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Gajamov A.M., Matveev P.V. Vysokotemperaturnye zharostojkie pokrytija i zharostojkie sloi dlja teplozashhitnyh pokrytij [High-temperature heat resisting coverings and heat resisting layers for heat-protective coverings] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №1. S. 17–20.
17. Chubarov D.A., Matveev P.V. Novye keramicheskie materialy dlja teplozashhitnyh pokrytij rabochih lopatok GTD [New ceramic materials for heat-protective coverings of working blades of GTD] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №4. S. 43–46.
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22. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A. Teplozashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok turbiny vysokogo davlenija perspektivnyh GTD [Heat-protective coverings for turbine blades of high pressure of perspective GTD] //Metally. 2012. №1. S. 5–13.
23. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A. Zharostojkie i teplozashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok turbiny vysokogo davlenija perspektivnyh GTD [Heat resisting and heat-protective coverings for turbine blades of high pressure of perspective GTD] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 60–70.
24. Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Gajamov A.M., Smirnov A.A. Poluchenie keramich-eskih teplozashhitnyh pokrytij dlja rabochih lopatok turbin aviacionnyh GTD magnetronnym metodom [Receiving ceramic heat-protective coatings for working blades of turbines of aviation GTD magnetronny method] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №4. S. 3–8.
The possibility of using ion-plasma coatings deposited by high energy vacuum-plasma technology to reduce the free end oscillations amplitude of VT6 titanium alloy samples during testing on vibrodynamic bench at resonance conditions by the first bending mode is hereby shown. The coatings based on pure Ti, Zr, Cr, Ni, Al, Cu metals deposited on the MAP-3 unit under modes enabling the coating growth in the range of 19–73 g/m2 while the tempera-ture of ion and radiation heating does not exceed tempering temperature of the VT6 titanium alloy is investigated. The tests on the damping capacity of applied coatings were performed. It is established that aluminum coating has the best properties.
2. Shorr B.F., Serebrjakov N.N. Raschetno-jeksperimental'nyj analiz amplitudno-zavisimyh harakteristik dempfirovanija v detaljah i materialah [The rated and experimental analysis of amplitude and dependent characteristics of damping in details and materials] //Problemy mashinostroenija i nadezhnosti mashin. 2011. №3. S. 91–99.
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9. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Bazyleva O.A. Materialy dlja vysokoteplonagruzhennyh detalej gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Materials for the high-heatloaded details of gas turbine engines] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 13–19.
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11. Kashapov O.S., Pavlova T.V., Nochovnaja N.A. Vlijanie rezhimov termicheskoj obrabotki na strukturu i svojstva zharoprochnogo titanovogo splava dlja lopatok KVD [Influence of modes of thermal processing on structure and property of heat resisting titanium alloy for KVD blades] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №2. S. 8–14.
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13. Sibileva S.V., Karimova S.A. Obrabotka poverhnosti titanovyh splavov s cel'ju obespechenija adgezionnyh svojstv [Surface treatment of titanium alloys for the purpose of ensuring adhesive properties] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №S2. S. 25–35.
14. Mubojadzhjan S.A. Osobennosti osazhdenija iz dvuhfaznogo potoka mnogokomponentnoj plazmy vakuumno-dugovogo razrjada, soderzhashhego mikrokapli isparjaemogo materiala [Features of sedimentation from diphasic flow of multicomponent plasma of the vacuum arc discharge containing microdrops of evaporated material] //Metally. 2008. №2. C. 20–34.
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16. Mubojadzhjan S.A., Aleksandrov D.A., Gorlov D.S. i dr. Zashhitnye i uprochnjajushhie ionno-plazmennye pokrytija dlja lopatok i drugih otvetstvennyh detalej kompressora GTD [Protective and strengthening ion-plasma coverings for blades and other responsible details of the GTD compressor] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 71–81.
17. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Pomelov Ja.A. Ionno-plazmennye zashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Ion-plasma protecting covers for blades of gas turbine engines] //Konversija v mashinostroenii. 1999. №2. S. 42–47.
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19. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A., Budinovskij S.A., Lucenko A.N. Ionno-plazmennye zashhitnye pokrytija dlja lopatok gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [Ion-plasma protecting covers for blades of gas turbine engines] //Metally. 2007. №5. S. 23–34.
20. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Vershkov A.V. Redkie metally i redkozemel'nye jelementy – materialy sovremennyh i budushhih vysokih tehnologij [Rare metals and rare earth elements – materials of modern and future high technologies] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №2. St. 01 (
21. Kablov E.N., Mubojadzhjan S.A. Ionnoe travlenie i modificirovanie poverhnosti otvetstvennyh detalej mashin v vakuumno-dugovoj plazme [Ion etching and modifying of surface of responsible details of machines in vacuum and arc plasma] //Vestnik MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. Ser. «Mashinostroenie». 2011. №SP2. S. 149–163.
22. Becofen S.Ja., Smirnov V.G., Ashmarin A.A., Shaforostov A.A. Kolichestvennye metody opisanija tekstury i anizotropii svojstv splavov na osnove titana i magnija [Quantitative methods of the description of structure and anisotropy of properties of titanium-based alloys and magnesium] //Titan. 2010. №2. S. 16–22.
23. Ustinov A.I., Movchan B.A., Skorodzievskij V.S. Issledovanie dempfirujushhej sposobnosti ploskih obrazcov iz titanovogo splava Ti–6%Al–4%V s pokrytijami iz olova i ittrija [Research of damping capacity of flat samples from Ti–6%Al–4%V titanium alloy with coverings from tin and yttrium] //Problemy prochnosti. 2001. №4. S. 55–61.
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The physical, mechanical and thermo-physical properties of the domestic foamed elastic VPP-1 and rigid plate-type VPP-5 polymer materials produced to substitute the foreign foamed elastic «Solimide» (USA) and rigid plate-type «Rohacell» (Germany) polyimide materials are described in the article. Properties of the domestic foamed VPP-1 and VPP-5 polyimide materials are compared with foreign foamed polyimide analogue materials. The description of the manufacturing method for the foamed polyimide test specimens on the foamed polymeric materials mechanical treatment equipment developed in VIAM is provided. The recommendations on application of the domestic foamed polyimide materials VPP-1 and VPP-5 are given as well.
2. Kablov E.N. Himija v aviacionnom materialovedenii [Chemistry in aviation materials science] //Rossijskij himicheskij zhurnal. 2010. T. LIV. №1. S. 3–4.
3. Kablov E.N. Razrabotki VIAM dlja gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej i ustanovok [Development of VIAM for gas turbine engines and installations] //Kryl'ja Rodiny. 2010. №4. S. 31–33.
4. Bejder Je.Ja., Petrova G.N., Izotova T.F., Barbot'ko S.L. Stekloplastiki na termoplastichnoj matrice [Fibreglasses on thermoflexible matrix] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №7. St. 03 (
5. Stoljankov Ju.V., Ishodzhanova I.V., Antjufeeva N.V. K voprosu o defektah obrazcov dlja ispytanij ugleplastikov [To question of defects of test pieces ugleplastikov] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №10. St. 10 (
6. Doroshenko N.I., Chursova L.V. Jevoljucija materialov dlja lopastej vertoletov [Evolution of materials for blades of helicopters] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №2. S. 16–18.
7. Petrova G.N., Rumjanceva T.V., Bejder Je.Ja. Vlijanie modificirujushhih dobavok na pozharobezopasnye svojstva i tehnologichnost' polikarbonata [Influence of modifying additives on fireproof properties and technological effectiveness of polycarbonate] //Trudy VIAM. 2013 №6. St. 06 (
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15. Bejder Je.Ja., Petrova G.N., Izotova T.F., Gureeva E.V. Kompozicionnye termoplastichnye materialy i penopoliimidy [Composite thermoflexible materials and penopoliimidy] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №11. St. 01 (
16. Stoljankov Ju.V., Bejder Je.Ja., Platonov M.M., Petrova G.N. Ustrojstvo dlja mehanicheskoj obrabotki vspenennyh polimernyh materialov [The device for machining of frothed polymeric materials] //Trudy VIAM. 2015 (v pechati).
17. Ustrojstvo dlja mehanicheskoj obrabotki vspenennyh polimernyh materialov [The device for machining of frothed polymeric materials]: pat. №145916. Ros. Federacija; opubl. 27.09.2014.
In this work the anti-corrosion properties of polyesterurethane compound in conditions of high humidity (WKL-100) and the salt spray chamber (KCT-35) on samples of 30KhGSA steel and D16-T, 1163-AT and 1163-T aluminum alloys were determined. The results were compared with properties of well-known Cor Ban 35, PINS AT (TU38.401-58-120–95) and Dinitrol AV-40 protecting compounds. The fulfilled tests have shown high protective properties of pilot batch of PEUK compound for application in technological processes for enhanced parts and units protection in aviation hardware.
2. Kablov E.N. Aviakosmicheskoe materialovedenie [Aerospace materials science] //Vse materialy. Jenciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2008. №3. S. 2–14.
3. Kablov E.N., Starcev O.V., Krotov A.S., Kirillov V.N. Klimaticheskoe starenie kompozicionnyh materialov aviacionnogo naznachenija. II. Relaksacija ishodnoj strukturnoj neravnovesnosti i gradient svojstv po tolshhine [Climatic aging of composite materials of aviation assignment. II. Relaxation of initial structural non-equilibrium and gradient of properties on thickness] //Deformacija i razrushenie materialov. 2012. №6. S. 17–19.
4. Kablov E.N., Starcev O.V., Krotov A.S., Kirillov V.N. Klimaticheskoe starenie kompozicionnyh materialov aviacionnogo naznachenija. I. Mehanizmy starenija [Climatic aging of composite materials of aviation assignment. I. Aging mechanisms] //Deformacija i razrushenie materialov. 2010. №11. S. 19–27.
5. Kablov E.N., Petrova A.P., Narskij A.R. G.V. Akimov – sozdatel' otechestvennoj nauki o kor-rozii [G.V. Akimov – the creator of domestic science about corrosion] //Istorija nauki i tehniki. 2009. №11. S. 12–15.
6. Kirillov V.N., Starcev O.V., Efimov V.A. Klimaticheskaja stojkost' i povrezhdaemost' polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov, problemy i puti reshenija [Climatic firmness and damageability of polymeric composite materials, problems and solutions] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 412–423.
7. Kirillov V.N., Efimov V.A., Shvedkova A.K., Nikolaev E.V. Issledovanie vlijanija klimaticheskih faktorov i mehanicheskogo nagruzhenija na strukturu i mehanicheskie svojstva PKM [Research of influence of climatic factors and mechanical loading on structure and the PKM mechanical properties] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2011. №4. S. 41–45.
8. Kablov E.N., Starcev O.V., Krotov A.S., Kirillov V.N. Klimaticheskoe starenie kompozicionnyh materialov aviacionnogo naznachenija. III. Znachimye faktory starenija [Climatic aging of composite materials of aviation assignment. III. Significant factors of aging] //Deformacija i razrushenie materialov. 2011. №1. S. 34–40.
9. Semenova L.V., Nefedov N.I. Pokrytija dlja zashhity gidroagregatov [Coverings for protection of hydraulic units] //Trudy VIAM. 2014. №2. St. 05. (
10. Karimova S.A., Pavlovskaja T.G. Razrabotka sposobov zashhity ot korrozii konstrukcij, rabotajushhih v uslovijah kosmosa [Development of ways of corrosion protection of the designs working in the conditions of space] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №4. St. 02. (
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17. Antipov V.V., Senatorova O.G., Tkachenko E.A., Vahromov R.O. Aljuminievye deformiruemye splavy [Aluminum deformable alloys] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 167–182.
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19. Kurs M.G., Karimova S.A. Naturno-uskorennye ispytanija: osobennosti metodiki i sposoby ocenki korrozionnyh harakteristik aljuminievyh splavov [Natural accelerated tests: features of technique and ways of assessment of corrosion characteristics of aluminum alloys] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2014. №1. S. 51–57.
On the investigations examples of aircraft gas turbine engines corrosive damages after 5 years exposure on the open experimental ground of the FSUE «VIAM» G.V. Akimov Gelendzhik climatic test center (VIAM GCTC) the possibilities of confocal laser imaging microscopy are represented. The 3D-models were built and quantitative assessment of surface topography by statistical data processing of the roughness using standard software was undertaken.
2. Kablov E.N. Strategicheskie napravlenija razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda [The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 7–17.
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4. Orlov M.R. Strategicheskie napravlenija razvitija Ispytatel'nogo centra FGUP «VIAM» [Strategic directions of development of the Test center VIAM Federal State Unitary Enterprise] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 387–393.
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6. Fridljander I.N., Chuistov K.V., Berezina A.L., Kolobnev N.I., Koval' Ju.N. Aljuminij-litievye splavy. Struktura i svojstva [Aluminum - lithium alloys. Structure and properties]. K.: Naukova dumka. 1992.
7. Antipov V.V., Kolobnev N.I., Hohlatova L.B. Razvitie aljuminijlitievyh splavov i mnogostupenchatyh rezhimov termicheskoj obrabotki [Development of alyuminiylitiyevy alloys and multistage modes of thermal processing] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 183–195.
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9. Abraimov N.V., Orlov M.R., Shkretov Ju.P. Nekotorye aspekty vysokotemperaturnogo okis-lenija splava na osnove γʹ-Ni3Al [Some aspects of high-temperature oxidation of alloy on basis γʹ-Ni3Al] //Korrozija: materialy, zashhita. 2010. №8. S. 1–11.
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14. Klevcov G.V., Merson E.D. O vozmozhnosti ispol'zovanija konfokal'nogo lazernogo skanirujushhego mikroskopa dlja issledovanija mikrorel'efa poverhnosti razrushenija metallicheskih materialov [About possibility of use of konfokalny laser scanning microscope for research of microrelief of surface of destruction of metal materials] //Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2012. №11. S. 1185–1189.
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The method of determining the adhesion strength of silver coating to the silicon substrate was developed for defining the quality of contact connections in semiconductor elements. It is shown hereby that the best option is to use high-adhesive membranous glue VK-51 and a special tooling with molybdenum heat compensators.
2. Kablov E.N. Strategicheskie napravlenija razvitija materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda [The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period till 2030] //Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 7–17.
3. Petrova A.P., Lukina N.F. Klei dlja mnogorazovoj kosmicheskoj sistemy [Glues for reusable space system] //Trudy VIAM. 2013. №4. St. 04 (
4. Petrova A.P., Donskoj A.A., Chalyh A.E., Shherbina A.A. Klejashhie materialy. Germetiki [Gluing materials. Hermetics]: Spravochnik. SPb.: Professional. 2008. 592 s.
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