A wrought heat-resistant superalloy VZh179-ID has been developed for blades of the last stages of a high-pressure compressor with an operating temperature up to 800 °С of high-thrust gas turbine engines. To achieve the required indicators for mechanical properties structural studies have been carried out, the results of which are used in determining the models of alloy’s heat treatment. According to the complex of mechanical properties the developed alloy has significant quotes of superiority both in comparison with EP718-ID alloy and the most heat-resistant wrought alloy for blades EP220.
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The article considers the effect of the martensitic structure dispersion degree on the tribotechnical characteristic of high carbon complex-alloyed steel. After hardening heat treatment of samples with a various degree of deformation there have been obtained samples with a structure from fine- to large-needle martensite. According to the results of the wear test under conditions of dry sliding friction it has been found that samples with a structure of fine-needle martensite have a wear rate lower by 50 and 70 % compared to medium- and large-needle martensitic structures.
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The article presents the results of a complex of studies: analysis of the microstructure, determination of mechanical properties under the influence of breaking loads at break, shear, as well as determination of fatigue characteristics at room temperature of fasteners made of VT47 pseudo-β-titanium alloy. A comparative analysis of the obtained research results was carried out, showing the dependence of the mechanical properties of fasteners on the structure. The relevance of the use of VT47 pseudo-β-titanium alloy as material of fasteners is shown.
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It is shown that the use of EP-0234 epoxy primer, used as an adhesive sublayer under VK-36 epoxy-polysulfone adhesive leads to an increase in the holding time between the process of chemical oxidation in chromic acid ( of the glued surfaces of aluminum alloys and the start of technological bonding work for up to 30 days (instead of 2 days for anodized surfaces without primer) without deterioration of the glued samples, and in some cases – to their improvement.
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A comparison of the technological properties of prepregs produced by online and offline technologies and the physical and mechanical properties of carbon fiber plastics based on a molten epoxy highly deformative binder is carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of the considered prepreg manufacturing technologies and their influence on the properties of carbon fiber plastics are evaluated. It is shown that the difference in the technology of obtaining semi-finished products (prepregs) does not affect the obtaining of the final properties of carbon fiber plastics obtained by autoclave molding.
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11. Kablov E.N., Chursova L.V., Babin A.N., Mukhametov R.R., Panina N.N. Developments of FSUE "VIAM" in the field of melt binders for polymer composite materials. Polimernye materialy i tekhnologii, 2016, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 37–42.
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Currently, polymer composite materials (PCM) are widely used instead of such traditional materials as steel or wood. For large-sized PCM parts, the infusion process is becoming the most popular and frequently used. This technology is used to manufacture ship hulls, wind turbine blades, aircraft wings. The purpose of this review is to consider various types of infusion, their advantages, disadvantages and prospects for use.
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Heat-resistant alloys and steels
Lomberg B.S., Akhmedzyanov M.V., Chabina E.B., Rastorgueva O.I. Heat-resistant wrought superalloy for high-pressure compressor blades of promising gas turbine engines
Sevalnev G.S., Korobova E.N., Dvoreckov R.M., Doroshenko A.V., Muzafarova S.-V.R., Samoilova I.I. Influence of the degree of martensitic structure dispersion and size of carbide phase on the frictional interaction under conditions of dry sliding friction of high-carbon complex alloy steel
Light-metal alloys
Arislanov A.A., Putyrskiy S.V., Shiryaev A.A., Volodin А.V., Bratukhin A.V. Study of the structure and mechanical properties of fasteners made of VT47 high-strength metastable β-titanium alloy
Polymer materials
Petrova A.P., Lukina N.F., Isaev A.Yu., Smirnov O.I. The effect of the adhesive primer EP-0234 on the properties of adhesive compounds obtained using adhesive VK-36
Composite materials
Gulyaev I.N., Safronov A.M., Satdinov R.A. Comparison online and offline of prepregs manufacturing technologies and properties of carbon fiber plastics
Donetskiy K.I., Usacheva M.N., Khrulkov A.V. Infusion methods for the manufacture of polymer composite materials (review). Part 1
Usacheva M.N., Khrulkov A.V. Biodegradation of reinforced polymer composite materials (review)
Valueva M.I., Zelenina I.V., Nacharkina A.V., Ahmadieva K.R. Technological features of obtaining high temperature polyimide carbons. Foreign experience (review)
Protective and functional
Demin S.A., Zavarzin S.V., Cherednichenko I.V., Kozlov I.A. Protective anticorrosive coating of magnets of the REM–Fe–B
Antipov V.V., Duyunova V.A., Oglodkov M.S., Fomina M.A., Frantsuzova T.P., Kozlov I.A. 90-year practice of anticorrosive protection
Material tests
Butakov V.V., Shavnev A.A., Lugovoy A.A., Varrik N.M., Babashov V.G. An approach to the construction of a mathematical model of the passage of a heat front through a sample of a heat-shielding material under conditions of an unsteady heat flow
Laptev A.B., Zakirova L.I., Zagorskikh O.A., Pavlov M.R. Methods of investigation of the processes of corrosion-mechanical destruction and hydrogenation of metals (review). Part 3. Corrosion cracking of aluminum alloys
Conferences of
NRC «Kurchatov Institute» – VIAM
The solution of the 7th All-Russian
Scientific and Technical Conference «Climate-2022: modern approaches to assessment of influence of external factors on materials and complex technical systems», dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the aircraft designer, scientist-aerodynamicist Robert L. Bartini