Аdditive manufacturing allows to obtain complex parts with improved material efficiency. Powders of AlSi10Mg alloy are the most widely used for production of various structural elements by selective laser melting (SLM) technology. For the expansion of application and improving service characteristics it is necessary to add small amount of transition metals into the alloys. This paper describes the efficiency of copper, cerium and zirconium additives for improving mechanical properties of AlSi10Mg type alloy.
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The distribution of phosphorus and sulfur impurities in γ and γ'-phases of single-crystals was investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and micro X-ray spectral analysis. It is proved that impurities concentrates principally in γ-solid solution, and there are local areas of increased content in there. The nature of this distribution remains after high temperature long-term strength tests at that heterogeneity of sulfur content between (γ/γ')-phases becomes more pronounced, especially for alloy with high sulfur content. A mechanism for destruction of coherent coupling between γ- and γ'-phases at high impurities content and reducing of single-crystals high temperature strength was suggested.
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The silicon, phosphorus and lanthanum behavior during directional solidification of single-crystals ZhS32-VI and VZhM5-VI superalloys for gas turbine blades was studied.
It is proved that saturation with silicon during directional solidification of single-crystals took place for a reason of interaction of carbon with free silicon oxide included in the composition of the ceramic mold. It is founded that saturation with silicon of non-carbon single-crystal alloys occurs four times slower than carbon-containing alloys. The utilization of non-carbon nickel-based superalloys is recommended for high pure provision from silicon impurity and guaranteed high properties of casts.
Experimentally established that lanthanum microalloying of nickel-based superalloys with high phosphorus contain (0,014 wt. %) allows to increase high temperature strength of single-crystals on account strong, refractory compound (lanthanum phosphide) and neutralization harmful phosphorus influence. It is shown that repeated remelting leads to a change in the content of macro- and microalloying elements and consequently reduction in the amount of γ¢-phase and single-crystals service life.
It is recommended to remelt nickel-based superalloys in vacuum induction furnace with optimal composition control by chemical express analysis for provision guaranteed high operational of single-crystals.
2. Sidorov V.V., Morozova G.I., Petrushin N.V. i dr. Fazovyj sostav i termostabilnost litejnogo zharoprochnogo nikelevogo splava s kremniem [Phase structure and thermostability of cast heat resisting nickel alloy with silicon] // Metally. 1990. №1. S. 94–98.
3. Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E., Min P.G., Folomejkin Yu.I., Timofeeva O.B., Filonova E.V., Ishodzhanova I.V. Vliyanie primesej na strukturu i svojstva vysokozharoprochnyh litejnyh splavov i razrabotka effektivnyh metodov ustraneniya ih otricatelnogo vliyaniya [Influence of impurity on structure and property of high-heat resisting cast alloys and development of effective methods of elimination of their negative influence] // Novosti materialovedeniya. Nauka i tehnika: elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2014. №2. St. 03. Available at: (accessed: March 07, 2017).
4. Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E., Min P.G., Folomejkin Yu.I. Vliyanie fosfora i kremniya na strukturu i svojstva vysokozharoprochnyh litejnyh splavov i razrabotka effektivnyh metodov ustraneniya ih otricatelnogo vliyaniya [Influence of phosphorus and silicon on structure and properties of high-heat resisting cast alloys and development of effective methods of elimination of their negative influence] // Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov. 2015. №6 (720). S. 55–59.
5. Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E., Min P.G., Folomeikin Yu.I. Effect of phosphorus and silicon on structure and properties of highly refractory cast alloys and development of effective methods for eliminating their unfavorable effect // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2015. Vol. 57. No. 5–6. P. 364–368.
6. Chao Yuan, Fengshi Yin. Effect of Phosphorus on Microstructure and High Temperature Properties of a cast Ni-base Superalloy // J. mater Sci. Technol. 2002. Vol. 18. No. 6. P. 555–557.
7. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E. Proizvodstvo lityh prutkovyh (shihtovyh) zagotovok iz sovremennyh litejnyh vysokozharoprochnyh nikelevyh splavov [Production of cast bar (blend) preparations from modern cast high-heat resisting nickel alloys] // Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya metallurgii i mashinostroeniya s ispolzovaniem zavershennyh fundamentalnyh issledovanij i NIOKR: Tr. Vseros. nauch.-tehnich. konf. k 310-letiyu Uralskoj metallurgii. 2011. S. 31–38.
8. Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E., Timofeeva O.B., Min P.G. Vliyanie kremniya i fosfora na zharoprochnye svojstva i strukturno-fazovye prevrashheniya v monokristallah iz vysokozharoprochnogo splava VZhM4-VI [An effect of silicon and phosphorus on high temperature properties and structure-phase transformations of single crystals of VGM4-VI superalloy] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №3. S. 32–38.
9. Litye lopatki gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej: splavy, tehnologii, pokrytiya /pod red. E.N. Kablova [Cast blades of gas turbine engines: alloys, technologies, coverings / ed. by E.N. Kablov]. M.: Hauka, 2006. 632 s.
10. Sidorov V.V., Min P.G., Burcev V.T., Kablov D.E., Vadeev V.E. Kompyuternoe modelirovanie i eksperimentalnoe issledovanie reakcij rafinirovaniya v vakuume slozhnolegirovannyh renijsoderzhashhih nikelevyh rasplavov ot primesej sery i kremniya [Computer modeling and pilot study of reactions of refinement in vacuum of complex-alloyed rhenium containing nickel melt from sulfur and silicon impurity] // Vestnik RFFI. 2015. №1 (85). S. 32–36.
11. Min P.G., Sidorov V.V., Kablov D.E., Vadeev V.E. Rafinirovanie monokristallicheskih zharoprochnyh nikelevyh splavov ot primesej sery i kremniya i nejtralizaciya vrednogo vliyaniya fosfora [Refining of single-crystal superalloys to remove a sulfur and silicon impurity and eliminating unfavorable effect of phosphorus] // Trudy VIAM: elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2017. №4 (52). St. 04. Available at: (accessed: May 25, 2017). DOI: 10.18577/2307-6046-2017- 0-4-4-4.
12. Sidorov V.V., Kablov D.E., Min P.G., Vadeev V.E. Rafinirovanie slozhnolegirovannogo nikelevogo splava ZhS32-VI ot primesi kremniya i fosfora putem odnonapravlennogo zatverdevaniya rasplava pri malyh skorostyah peremeshheniya fronta kristallizacii [Refinement of complex-alloyed ZhS32-VI nickel alloy from silicon and phosphorus impurity by unidirectional hardening melt with small traverse speeds of the front of crystallization] // Tehnologiya metallov. 2016. №3. S. 2–7.
13. Min P.G., Sidorov V.V., Vadeev V.E. Rafinirovanie monokristallicheskih nikelevyh zharoprochnyh splavov ot primesej kremniya, fosfora i sery metodom napravlennoj kristallizacii rasplava s vesma nizkoj skorostyu peremeshheniya fronta [The refining of nickel base single-crystal alloys from silicon, phosphorus and sulfur impurities by directed melt solidification with very slowed-up moving rate of the crystallization] // Trudy VIAM: elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2017. №3 (51). St. 02. Available at: (accessed: May 25, 2017). DOI: 10.18577/2307-6046-2017-0-3-2-2.
14. Min P.G., Sidorov V.V., Kablov D.E., Rigin V.E., Vadeev V.E. Issledovanie sery i fosfora v litejnyh zharoprochnyh nikelevyh splavah i razrabotka effektivnyh sposobov ih rafinirovaniya [Sulfur and phosphorus research in cast heat resisting nickel alloys and development of effective ways of their refinement] // Tehnologiya metallov. 2015. №12. S. 2–9.
15. Min P.G., Sidorov V.V. Opyt pererabotki litejnyh othodov splava ZhS32-VI na nauchno-proizvodstvennom komplekse VIAM po izgotovleniyu lityh prutkovyh (shihtovyh) zagotovok [The experience of GS32-VI alloy scrap recycling at the VIAM scientific and production complex for cast bars production] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №4. S. 20–25.
16. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E., Kablov D.E. Osobennosti tehnologii vyplavki sovremennyh litejnyh vysokozharoprochnyh nikelevyh splavov [Features of smelting technology of modern cast high-heat resisting nickel alloys] // Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Ser.: Mashinostroenie. 2011. №SP. C. 68–78.
17. Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E., Goryunov A.V., Min P.G., Kablov D.E. Poluchenie Re–Ru soderzhashhego splava s ispolzovaniem nekondicionnyh othodov [Receiving Re–Ru of containing alloy with use of unconditioned waste] // Metallurgiya mashinostroeniya. 2012. №3. S. 15–17.
18. Min P.G., Vadeev V.E., Kramer V.V. Resursosberegayushhaya tehnologiya polucheniya deformiruemogo nikelevogo zharoprochnogo splava VZh175 s primeneniem nekondicionnyh othodov [Resource-saving technology of receiving deformable nickel VZh175 hot strength alloy using unconditioned waste] // Metallurg. 2016. №9. S. 88–94.
19. Min P.G., Vadeev V.E., Kalicev V.A., Kramer V.V. Tehnologiya polucheniya deformiruemogo splava VZh175 dlya diskov GTD iz kondicionnyh othodov [Technology of receiving deformable alloy VZh 175 for disks GTE from conditioned waste] // Metallurg. 2015. №9. S. 76–80.
20. Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E., Goryunov A.V., Min P.G. Opyt pererabotki v usloviyah FGUP «VIAM» litejnyh othodov zharoprochnyh splavov, obrazuyushhihsya na motorostroitelnyh i remontnyh zavodah [Experience of processing in the conditions of FSUE «VIAM» of foundry waste of the hot strength alloys which are forming at engine-building and repair plants] // Metallurg. 2014. №1. S. 86–90.
21. Min P.G., Vadeev V.E., Kalicev V.A., Kramer V.V. Rafinirovanie nekondicionnyh othodov deformiruemyh nikelevyh splavov v vakuumnoj indukcionnoj pechi [Refinement of unconditioned waste of deformable nickel alloys in the vacuum induction furnace] // Tehnologiya metallov. 2015. №4. S. 8–13.
22. Min P.G., Goryunov A.V., Vadeev V.E. Sovremennye zharoprochnye nikelevye splavy i effektivnye resursosberegayushhie tehnologii ih izgotovleniya [Modern heat resisting nickel alloys and effective resource-saving technologies of their manufacturing] // Tehnologiya metallov. 2014. №8. S. 12–23.
23. Kablov E.N., Sidorov V.V., Kablov D.E., Min P.G., Rigin V.E. Resursosberegayushhie tehnologii vyplavki perspektivnyh litejnyh i deformiruemyh superzharoprochnyh splavov s uchetom pererabotki vseh vidov othodov [Resource-saving smelting technologies of perspective cast and deformable superhot strength alloys taking into account processing of all types of waste] // Elektrometallurgiya. 2016. №9. S. 30–41.
24. Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E., Goryunov A.V., Min P.G. Processing Superalloy Foundry Waste Generated at Engine Building and Repair Plants: Experience of the All-Russia Research Institute of Aviation Materials // Metallurgist. 2014. Vol. 58. No. 1–2. P. 69–74.
25. Sidorov V.V., Rigin V.E., Goryunov A.V., Min P.G. Resources-saving technology for recycling off-grade waste products cast from superalloys // Metallurgist. 2014. Vol. 58. No. 5–6. P. 360–366.
26. Min P.G., Goryunov A.V., Vadeev V.E. Modern Nickel Superalloys and the Efficient Resource-Saving Technologies of Their Production // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). 2015. Vol. 2015. No. 13. P. 1060–1068.
27. Kablov E.N., Sidorov V.V., Kablov D.E., Min P.G., Rigin V.E. Resource-Saving Technologies of Making Advanced Cast and Deformable Superalloys with Allowance for Processing All Types of Wastes // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). 2016. Vol. 2016. No. 12. P. 1187–1195.
28. Ospennikova O.G., Min P.G., Vadeev V.E., Kalitsev V.A., Kramer V.V. Resursosberegayushhaya tehnologiya pererabotki nekondicionnyh othodov deformiruemogo splava VZh175 dlya diskov GTD [Resource-saving processing technology of off-grade scrap of wrought superalloy VG175 for GTE disks production] // Trudy VIAM: elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2016. №2. St. 01. Available at: (accessed: May 25, 2017). DOI: 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-2-1-1.
29. Min P.G., Sidorov V.V., Kablov D.E., Rigin V.E., Vadeev V.E. Vliyanie primesi na strukturu I mehanicheskie svoistva liteinyh nikelevyh zharoprochnih splavov I razrabotka effektivnyh sposobov ih rafinirovaniya [Influence of impurity on structure and mechanical properties of cast nickel hot strength alloys and development of effective ways of their refinement] // Klimovskie chteniya-2015. Perspektivnie napravleniya razvitiya aviadvigatelestroeniya. SPb.: Skifia-print, 2015. S. 275–283.
30. Kablov D.E., Sidorov V.V., Min P.G., Vadeev V.E. Vliyanie primesej i lantana na ekspluatacionnye svojstva splava ZhS36-VI [Influence of impurity and lanthanum on operational properties of alloy ZhS36-VI] // Metallurgiya mashinostroeniya. 2015. №6. S. 19–23.
31. Kablov D.E., Sidorov V.V., Min P.G., Puchkov Yu.A. Vliyanie lantana na kachestvo i ekspluatacionnye svojstva monokristallicheskogo zharoprochnogo nikelevogo splava ZhS36-VI [The lanthanum influence on quality and operational properties of single crystal nickel base ZhS36-VI superalloy] // Trudy VIAM: elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2015. №12. St. 02. Available at: (accessed: May 25, 2017). DOI: 10.18577/2307-6046-2015-0-12-2-2.
32. Kablov D.E., Sidorov V.V., Min P.G., Gerasimov V.V., Bondarenko Yu. A. Vliyanie primesej sery i fosfora na svojstva monokristallov zharoprochnogo splava ZhS36-VI i razrabotka effektivnyh sposobov ego rafinirovaniya [The sulfur and phosphorus influence on properties of single crystals GHS36-VI supperalloy and design of effective methods their refining] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №3 (36). S. 3–9. DOI: 10.18577/2071-9140-2015-0-3-3-9.
33. Kablov D.E., Belyaev M.S., Sidorov V.V., Min P.G. Vliyanie primesej sery i fosfora na malociklovuyu ustalost' monokristallov zharoprochnogo splava ZhS36-VI [The influence of sulfur and phosphorus impurities on low cycle fatigue of GhS36-VI alloy single crystals] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №4 (37). S. 25–28. DOI: 10.18577/2071-9140-2015-0-4-25-28.
34. Kablov E.N. Innovacionnye razrabotki FGUP «VIAM» GNC RF po realizacii «Strategicheskih napravlenij razvitiya materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda» [Innovative developments of FSUE «VIAM» SSC of RF on realization of «Strategic directions of the development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period until 2030»] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №1 (34). S. 3–33. DOI: 10.18577/2071-9140-2015-0-1-3-33.
35. Yakimovich P.V., Alekseev A.V., Min P.G. Opredelenie nizkih soderzhanij fosfora v zharoprochnyh nikelevyh splavah metodom ISP-MS [Determination of low phosphorus content in heat-resistant nickel alloys by ICP-MS method] // Trudy VIAM : elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2014. №10. St. 02. Available at: (accessed: March 07, 2017). DOI: 10.18577/2307-6046-2014-0-10-2-2.
The changes of microstructure and phase composition of disks for gas turbine engines made of superalloy VJ175 after heat treatment and imitation of operating at working temperature (long-term exposure at maximal operating temperature 750°С) are investigated. Mechanical properties are defined, fractography investigations are carried out in initial (heat treated) condition and after long-term for 1000 and 2000 hours heating up to operating temperature.
2. Kablov E.N. Tendencii i orientiry innovacionnogo razvitiya Rossii: sb. nauch.-inform. mater. 2-e izd. [Tendencies and reference points of innovative development of Russia: collection of scientific information materials]. M.: VIAM, 2013. 544 s.
3. Kablov E.N., Ospennikova O.G., Lomberg B.S. Sozdanie sovremennyh zharoprochnyh materialov i tehnologij ih proizvodstva dlya aviacionnogo dvigatelestroeniya [Creation of modern heat resisting materials and technologies of their production for aviation engine building] // Krylya Rodiny. 2012. №3–4. S. 34–38.
4. Kablov E.N. Osnovnye itogi i napravleniya razvitiya materialov dlya perspektivnoj aviacionnoj tehniki [The main results and the directions of development of materials for perspective aviation engineering] // 75 let. Aviacionnye materialy. Izbrannye trudy «VIAM» 1932–2007. M.: VIAM, 2007. S. 20–26.
5. Lomberg B.S., Ovsepyan S.V., Bakradze M.M., Mazalov I.S. Vysokotemperaturnye zharo-prochnye nikelevye splavy dlya detalej gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej [High-temperature heat resisting nickel alloys for details of gas turbine engines] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 52–57.
6. Locq D., Caron (Onera) P. On Some Advanced Nickel-Based Superalloys for Disk Applications // High Temperature Materials AL03-01. 2011. Issue 3. P. 1–9.
7. Gabb T.P., Gayda J., Telesman J. Thermal and Mechanical Property Characterization of the Advanced Disk Alloy // NASA / TM–2005-213645. June, 2005.
8. Lomberg B.S., Ovsepjan S.V., Bakradze M.M. Osobennosti legirovaniya i termicheskoj obrabotki zharoprochnyh nikelevyh splavov dlja diskov gazoturbinnyh dvigatelej no-vogo pokolenija [Features of alloying and thermal processing of heat resisting nickel alloys for disks of gas turbine engines of new generation] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2010. №2. S. 3–8.
9. Filonova E.V., Bakradze M.M., Kochubey A.Ya., Vavilin N.L. Issledovanie izmenenij strukturno-fazovogo sostoyaniya splava VZh175 v processe goryachej deformacii i termicheskoj obrabotki [Structural-phase evolution of VZH175-alloy during hot deformation and heat treatment] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2014. №3. S. 10–13. DOI: 10.18577/2071-9140-2014-0-3-10-13.
10. Chabina E.B., Lomberg B.S., Filonova E.V., Ovsepyan S.V., Bakradze M.M. [Change of structural and phase condition of heat resisting deformable nickel alloy at alloying tantalum and rhenium] // Trudy VIAM: elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2015. №9. St. 03. Available at: (accessed: February 01, 2017). DOI: 10.18577/2307-6046-2015-0-9-3-3.
11. Sharpe H.J., Saxena A. Effect of Microstructure on High-Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Nickel-Base Superalloys for Turbine Disc Applications // EuroSuperalloys 2010: Advanced Materials Research. 2011. Vol. 278. P. 259–264. URL: (дата обращения: 02.02.2017).
12. Gabb T.P., Gayda J., Kantzos P. The Grain Size-Temperature Response of Advanced Nickel-Base Disk Superalloys During Solution Heat Treatments // NASA / TM–2007-214912. December, 2007.
13. Ponomarenko D.A., Moiseev N.V., Skugorev A.V. Proizvodstvo diskov GTD iz zharoprochnyh splavov na izotermicheskih pressah // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №1.
S. 13–16.
14. Kablov E.N. Innovacionnye razrabotki FGUP «VIAM» GNC RF po realizacii «Strategicheskih napravlenij razvitiya materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda» [Innovative developments of FSUE «VIAM» SSC of RF on realization of «Strategic directions of the development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period until 2030»] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №1 (34). S. 3–33. DOI: 10.18577/2071-9140-2015-0-1-3-33.
15. Orlov M.R., Ospennikova O.G., Avtaev V.V., Terehin A.M., Filonova E.V. Fraktograficheskij analiz ekspluatacionnogo razrusheniya diska rotora vysokogo davleniya aviacionnogo gazoturbinnogo dvigatelya iz zharoprochnogo splava EP741-NP [Fractography analysis of operational distructure of the gas-turbine engine high pressure rotor disk made of EP741-NP superalloy] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №S1. S. 5–12. DOI: 10.18577/2071-9140-2015-0-S1-5-12.
16. Chabina E.B., Alekseev A.A., Filonova E.V., Lukina E.A. Primenenie metodov analiticheskoj mikroskopii i rentgenostrukturnogo analiza dlya issledovaniya strukturno-fazovogo sostoyaniya materialov [Application of methods of analytical microscopy and X-ray of the structural analysis for research of structural and phase condition of materials] // TestMat-2013: sb. dokl. Vseros. konf. po ispytaniyam i issledovaniyam svojstv materialov. M., 2013. S. 32.
Theoretical and experimental studies of the stress-strain, chemical and structural-phase state of martensitic aging steel after electron beam welding and subsequent heat treatment are carried out. It is established that the chemical, phase composition, structure, and stress-strain state of the martensitic-aging steel seam depend on the speed of electron beam welding. From the analysis of stressed states of the welded seam, it follows that with a higher welding speed, the residual stresses in the weld seam are greater. Thermocyclic treatment of the seam in a jammed state leads to its hardening and reduction of residual stresses.
2. Kablov E.N. Konstrukcionnye i funkcionalnye materialy – osnova ekonomicheskogo i nauchno-tehnicheskogo razvitiya Rossii [Constructional and functional materials is the base of economic and scientific and technical development of Russia] // Voprosy materialovedeniya. 2006. №1. S. 64–67.
3. Kablov E.N., Petrushin N.V., Svetlov I.L., Demonis I.M. Nikelevye litejnye zharoprochnye splavy novogo pokoleniya [Nickel foundry heat resisting alloys of new generation] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. C. 36–52.
4. Markova E.S., Yakusheva N.A., Pokrovskaja N.G., Shalkevich A.B. Tehnologicheskie osobennosti proizvodstva martensitostareyushhej stali VKS-180 [Technological features of the production of maraging steel VKS-180] // Trudy VIAM: elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2013. №7. St. 01. Available at: (accessed: March 21, 2017).
5. Vylezhnev V.P., Kokovyakina S.A., Simonov Yu.N., Suhih A.A. Povyshenie harakteristik nadezhnosti martensitostareyushhej stali 03N18K9M5T putem sozdaniya struktury tipa «nanotripleks» [Increase of characteristics of reliability of maraging steel 03N18K9M5T by creation of structure of the nanotriplex type] // Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov. 2010. №11. S. 20–24.
6. Petrakov A.F., Shalkevich A.B. Vysokoprochnye stali v aviastroenii [High-strength became in aircraft industry] // Aviacionnye materialy. Izbrannye trudy «VIAM» 1932–2002: yubil. nauch.-tehnich. sb. M.: VIAM, 2002. S. 180–191.
7. Ospennikova O.G. Strategiya razvitiya zharoprochnyh splavov i stalej specialnogo naznacheniya, zashhitnyh i teplozashhitnyh pokrytij [Strategy of development of hot strength alloys and steels special purpose, protective and heat-protective coverings] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 19–36.
8. Shalkevich A.B., Voznesenskaya N.M., Pokrovskaya N.G., Markova E.S. Vysokoprochnye konstrukcionnye i korrozionnostojkie stali dlya samoletov novogo pokoleniya [High-strength constructional and corrosion-resistant became for airplanes of new generation] // 75 let. Aviacionnye materialy. Izbrannye trudy «VIAM» 1932–2007: yubil. nauch.-tehnich. sb. M.: VIAM, 2007. S. 142–150.
9. Markova E.S., Pokrovskaya N.G., Shalkevich A.B., Gromov V.I. Martensitostareyushhie stali ‒ novye perspektivnye materialy dlya valov GTD [Maraging became ‒ new perspective materials for GTE shaft] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 81–84.
10. Krylov S.A., Markova E.S., Shcherbakov A.I., Yakusheva N.A. Metallurgicheskie osobennosti vyplavki vysokoprochnoj martensitostarejushhej stali VKS-180-ID [Development of technology for smelting high-strength maraging steel VKS180-ID microalloyed REM] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2015. №4. S. 14–20. DOI: 10.18577/2071-9140-2015-0-4-14-20.
11. Kablov E.N. Materialy dlya izdeliya «Buran» – innovacionnye resheniya formirovaniya shestogo tehnologicheskogo uklada [Materials for the product «Buran» are the innovative solutions of forming of the sixth technological way] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2013. №S1. S 3–9.
12. Kablov E.N., Lukin V.I., Ospennikova O.G. Svarka i pajka v aviakosmicheskoj promyshlennosti [Welding and the soldering in the aerospace industry] // Mater. Vseros. nauch.-praktich. konf. «Svarka i bezopasnost». 2012. T. 1. S. 21–30.
13. Lukin V.I., Banas I.P., Kovalchuk V.G., Golev E.V. Argono-dugovaya svarka vysokoprochnoj cementuemoj stali VNS-63 [TIG welding of high-strengthened cemented steel VNS-63] // Trudy VIAM: elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2013. №8. St. 01. Available at: (accessed: December 10, 2016).
14. Lukin V.I., Ioda E.N., Panteleev M.D., Skupov A.A. Svarka plavleniem titanovogo splava VT18U [Fusion welding of VT18U titanium alloy] // Trudy VIAM: elektron. nauch.-tehnich. zhurn. 2015. №5. St. 03. Available at: (accessed: December 10, 2016). DOI: 10.18577/2307-6046-2015-0-5-3-3.
15. Lukin V.I., Voznesenskaya N.M., Kovalchuk V.G. Svarka vysokoprochnoj korrozionnostojkoj stali VNS-72 [Welding of high-strength VNS-72 corrosion-resistant steel] // Svarochnoe proizvodstvo. 2012. №10. S. 31–35.
16. Kablov E.N. Strategicheskie napravleniya razvitiya materialov i tehnologij ih pererabotki na period do 2030 goda [The strategic directions of development of materials and technologies of their processing for the period to 2030] // Aviacionnye materialy i tehnologii. 2012. №S. S. 7–17.
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The structure formation special features of new V-1579(Al–Mg–Sc) and V-1481(Al–Cu–Li)-alloys laser welds (without filler material) was investigated. The laser welding parameters were carried out to provide V-1481 welds strength level about 0,6 and about 0,9 for V-1579. It was also investigated that increasing of welding speed can improve V-1579 welds strength value, but low-cycle fatigue value decreased. As for V-1481 alloy, it is more sensitive to welding thermal cycle: increasing of welding speed for can improve loss of strength and low-cycle fatigue value.
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The implementation of new projects in various industries requires the solution of new tasks, one of which is the creation of new materials with higher performance. To one of such materials belong fiber reinforced metal matrix composite materials. An integral step in the creation of which is the development of technologies for their production. The technological scheme of producing fiber reinforced metal matrix composites influences the formation of their structure and properties. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the method of forming semi-finished products for their manufacture, which ensures the insulation of the fibers between each other by a layer of matrix material, the absence of their mechanical damage and chemical interaction with the matrix material, and also promotes uniform distribution of fibers in the material. The article presents an overview of methods for forming semi-finished products for the producing fiber metal matrix composite materials. It is shown that the mo
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In the Russian Federation aircraft component parts and units are usually manufactured by an autoclave solvent polymer impregnation processing technique. However foreign companies used nonsolvent processing technique. Molding without autoclave (for example infusion molding or vacuum and pressure impregnation) sufficiently decreases the FRP production costs. Vacuum impregnation is the matter of the particular interest because there is no need to use sophisticated equipment. For ensuring operability of a material modification by its modified carbon nanotubes is represented especially interesting.
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Polymeric composite materials (PKM) find the application in different areas of the industry and equipment. In the aviation industry use of new and advanced materials, such as PKM, leads to increase of efficiency of flight vehicles, namely decrease in weight of design. However, with increase in application of PKM in designs of flight vehicles (LA) there was question of their protection against accumulation of static electricity in and lightning strike protection in the conditions of the storm front when flying. In article process of carrying out tests of experimental samples and constructive and similar samples is described – fragments of prototype of the panel covered from CFRP with the lightning strike protection coating (MZP) of the VKU-53MZ developed in FGUP «VIAM», order and methods of carrying out tests, the assessment of firmness of the developed material VKU-52MZ to influence of the electric discharge simulating impulse of lightning current is given.
2. Gunyaev G.M., Chursova L.V., Raskutin A.E., Komarova O.A., Gunyaeva A.G. Konstrukcionnye polimernye uglenanokompozity – novoe napravlenie materialovedeniya [Constructional polymeric carbon nanocomposites are the new direction of materials science] // Vse materialy. Enciklopedicheskij spravochnik. 2011. №12. S. 2–9.
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Fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) especially carbon-based plastics (CFRP) is widely used in aircraft structures at present time. Porosity determination of parts and structures full area by nondestructive testing technique is one of the difficulties for specialists in production process. For that purpose the results of ultrasonic through transmission method application are given in this paper. The researches of CFRP specimens without porosity and with 4–5% level of volume porosity were carried out. The results are shown correlation of the level of volume porosity vs. through transmitted pulse amplitude and the response spectrum center frequency. Consequently ultrasonic through transmission method can be useful for the CFRP porosity estimation.
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One of the major characteristics in ensuring fire safety of aviation engineering are fire resistance and fireproof of materials and constructive elements on their basis. Fire resistance characteristics, except the thermal stability of material of fireproof partition are defined also by the size of transmitted heat flux and temperature of not warmed surface. On these characteristics are influence as properties of the tested material, and condition of carrying out testing, therefore development of mathematical model allowing to evaluate influence of different factors on normed characteristics is required. The mathematical model describing heat transfer from flame on monolithic wall and from wall in surrounding space is constructed. Calculation for influence the different factors of material and environmental conditions on specimen fireproof partition temperature are executed.
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